Nyitólap | Regisztráció | Belépés | RSSSzerda, 2025-01-29, 23:23:24

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Nyitólap » Online játékok » Fejtörők

Crossed Wires

The aim of the game is to switch off all the lights but as the wires are crossed and with a limited number of clicks, this will not be an easy task.
Helyezés: 0.0/0
Számlálók: 482/11
Hozzászólások összesen: 1
1 Lucas  
An ecological ditsaser on the scale of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.Old industry and old commies go together.It is a disgusting mess from every aspect.The regulatory bodies across Hungary are farcical.Corruption, embezzlement, and incompetence on a scale that simply cannot be perceived unless you are here to witness it for yourself.Nobody cares. People are on low wages, prices are spiraling, tax rates and collection are an abomination, local government is dreadful, the police and judicial system need a total overhaul,and we still elect politicians that do not have the skill nor the integrity to navigate a pathfor a better Hungary.All the charges leveled at the MSZP and Gyurscany Ferenc simply evaporated overnight because we had a new government and new brooms sweep clean.Not if there is zilch in the coffers they don't.Pol.hu and Realdeal contributors have spelled all this out before but it has meant nothing.Everything that has been said about filthy, corrupt politicians, and businessmen in Hungary is true.It has taken an ecological ditsaser and the loss of life to bring home the reality and consequences of a system that is as rotten as the toxic waste currently pouring into the Danube.

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